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Those Who Fly Solo Have Strongest Wings


Those Who Fly Solo Have Strongest Wings

Those who solo have strongest wings means you are able to back bounce from problems stress and heartbreak more readily than those who depend too much on others. If you want to truly be free you have to cut the string of dependency that control you.

Those Who Fly Solo Have Strongest Wings

When You Are Wrong Admit It When You Are Right Be Quiet

When you are wrong admit it when you are right be quiet it means be humble. If we start accepting our mistakes we will learn to make lesser mistake sooner.

If They Think You Dreams Are Crazy Show Them What Crazy Dreams Can Do

Those Who Fly Solo Have Strongest Wings

Difficult Roads Often Leads To Beautiful Destination

You Can’t Go Back Change the Beginning but You Can Start Where You Are and Change the Ending

You cannot go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are change the ending it means the past is gone the aspect of life is over forget about it. Whatever it is know you can start again from wherever you are right now.

The More Challenges You Tackle and the More Problems You Solve the More Valuable You to Be In the World

You should never see your challenges as a disadvantage instead important for you to understand that your experience facing and overcoming adversity is actually one of your biggest benefit. We should make plan to tackle any challenge because through it we can solve any problem easily.

If You Focus On the Hurt You Will Continue To Suffer If You Focus On the Lesson You Will Continue To Grow

It’s true a sensitive person suffers a lot by thinking and weeping for hours on matter which does not value by a normal person. So if you focus on hurt you will continue to suffer but if you focus on lesson you will not take it serious anymore and will continue to grow.

You Will Never Be Criticized By Someone Who Is Doing More Than You Will Always You Will Always Be Criticized By Someone Who Is Doing Less Remember That

The one who have taken the risk to climb is the one who will understand you what you are doing. He will not require you to explain yourself. He may offer help but he won’t criticize.

Take what you have and use it to create what you want

Never Lose Your Self-Respect for Someone Who Don’t Care About Your Feelings and Emotions

Self-respect is knowing you are worthy and treating yourself accordingly. Respecting yourself is the first step toward understanding you deserve love and consideration.

There is no greater wealth in this world than peace of mind

In a world full of worry and pain can we find a space in our minds where we can finally have peace. I do not believe that you can be worry-free but you can manage how you can choose to manage your mind-set whether it be through mediation or faith in God or what you believe in your higher power. In everything there must be a balance where peace of mind is concerned you must balance the negative with positive.

Those Who Fly Solo Have Strongest Wings

Coins Are Always Make Sound But Paper Money Are Always Silent So When Your Value Increase Keep Yourself Silent And Humble

Coins are always make sound but paper money is silent it means the person with more value will be silent and the person with less value or knowledge will speak more.

The Capacity to Learn is a Gift the Ability to Learn is a skill the Willingness to Learn Is a Choice

The capacity to learn is a gift the ability to learn is a skill and willingness to learn is a choice it means enables us to keep our brain active and engaged.

You Can’t Change How People Feel About So Don’t Try Just Live Your Life and Be Happy

You cannot change how people feel about you so don’t try just live your life. Stop taking so much notice how you feel. You can’t please everybody. You can go with your own life without them. You can make yourself sick trying to make people like you hoping they will understand you who you are really. Its complete waste of time trying to justify yourself to others so there is nothing need to prove anything to anyone.

Without Dreams There Can Be No Courage and Without Courage There Can Be No Action

Before Anything Else Preparation Is Key to Success

There is famous quote attributed to Alexander Graham Bell. The way to finding success in career requires a diverse or technical skill. If you have prepared properly then you will know that you are going to succeed. We should improve our learning. The better prepared you are the more you will learn.

Don’t Wait For the Perfect Moment Take the Moment and Make It Perfect

Life is so short. It is important to make the most of our days and remember that we are in charge of our own happiness. Make everyday a perfect day. There is nothing called a perfect time it’s you who will make it perfect.

Truth of Life

Do A Million Good Things Nobody Will Care Commit A Single Mistake Everybody Will Judge You

Sometimes it’s a journey that teaches you a lot about your destination

Journey is often explain as a long and often difficult process of personal change and development traveling from one place to another. Everyone journey is different so try not to compare your to others.

Your journey has molded you for the greater good.

To travel is to take a journey into yourself.

Take Risk If You Win You Will Be Happy If You Lose You Will Be Wise

Taking risk does not mean shirking responsibility but embracing possibilities. If you are one of them who fear to take risk prefer life sitting on a safe shore than taking the thrilling roads full of hurdles and blocks this content is surely for you. Without taking risk you cannot find anything extraordinary. There is very strong possibility that you will end up your life totally life as a different and more successful person if you dare to take just one risk today. Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.

If it’s still in your mind ‘’it is worth taking the risk’’

Motivate Yourself Don’t Listen To Those People Who Only See Your Mistakes

We Don’t Grow When Things Are Easy We Grow When Face Challenges

It is a human behavior to hate problems and challenges because they don’t understand that how important these are for our growth. It is very important for us to face challenges because through it we can learn many things. Always remember that we don’t grow when things are easy we grow when we face challenges.

We Don’t Learn Much When Things Goes Right We Learn When Most Things Gone Wrong

We learn most not from the things that go right. We learn most when everything goes wrong.

Life with God Doesn’t Mean You Are Free From

Difficulties It Means You Have Peace in Difficulties

God Doesn’t Give You the People You Want He Gives You the People You Need

People comes into our life for a reason. There are many people that have stayed in our life and some have gone. We need to understand God send people into our life to test us. But the right person may be the one that make everything great into your life. Remember that God chose everyone who crossed your life path for a bigger reason.

If You Lose Faith You Lose All


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